{{ $vat->adjBatch }} |
{{ $vat->vatAsd }} |
To : |
{{ $vat->vatAed }} |
{{ $vat->receiptBatch }} |
{{ $vat->vatRsd }} |
To : |
{{ $vat->vatRed }} |
{{ $vat->invoiceBatch }} |
{{ $vat->vatIsd }} |
To : |
{{ $vat->vatIed }} |
{{ $vat->interestBatch }} |
{{ $vat->vatInsd }} |
To : |
{{ $vat->vatIned }} |
{{ $vat->accom }}
{{number_format($vat->accom_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->accom_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->disp }}
{{ number_format($vat->disp_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->disp_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->trav }}
{{ number_format($vat->trav_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->trav_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->med }}
{{ number_format($vat->med_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->med_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->cons }}
{{ number_format($vat->cons_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->cons_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->lab }}
{{ number_format($vat->lab_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->lab_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->xray }}
{{ number_format($vat->xray_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->xray_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->inj }}
{{ number_format($vat->inj_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->inj_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->proc }}
{{ number_format($vat->proc_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->proc_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->surg }}
{{ number_format($vat->surg_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->surg_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->vacc }}
{{ number_format($vat->vacc_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->vacc_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->hosp }}
{{ number_format($vat->hosp_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->hosp_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->merch }}
{{ number_format($vat->merch_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->merch_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->food }}
{{ number_format($vat->food_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->food_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->dent }}
{{ number_format($vat->dent_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->dent_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->grom }}
{{ number_format($vat->grom_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->grom_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->gen }}
{{ number_format($vat->gen_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->gen_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->inv_disc }}
{{ number_format($vat->inv_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->inv_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->unknown }}
{{ number_format($vat->unknown_amt, 2) }}
Percent of Total :
{{ number_format($vat->unknown_perc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->totInvoiced }}
{{ number_format($vat->totInvAmt, 2) }}
(Includes VAT and all discounts)
{{ $vat->baseInvoice }}
{{ number_format($vat->baseInvAmt, 2) }}
(Excludes VAT and line item discount)
{{ $vat->lessDisc }}
{{ number_format($vat->lessDiscAmt, 2) }}
{{ $vat->subTot }}
{{ number_format($vat->subTotal, 2) }}
{{ $vat->addVAT }}
{{ number_format($vat->addVATInv, 2) }}
{{ $vat->contrTot }}
{{ number_format($vat->contrTotal, 2) }}
{{ $vat->adjust }}
{{ number_format($vat->adjustment, 2) }}
{{ $vat->adjustVAT }}
{{ number_format($vat->adjustmentVAT, 2) }}
{{ $vat->invoiceTot }}
{{ number_format($vat->invoiceTotal, 2) }}
{{ $vat->zeroRating }}
{{ number_format($vat->zeroRatingAmt, 2) }}
(Items excluded from VAT)
{{ $vat->zeroDiscount }}
{{ number_format($vat->zeroRatingDiscount, 2) }}
{{ $vat->zeroTotal }}
{{ number_format($vat->zeroRatingTotal, 2) }}
{{ $vat->exempt }}
{{ number_format($vat->exemptAmount, 2) }}
(Clients excluded from VAT)
{{ $vat->exemptDiscount }}
{{ number_format($vat->exemptAmtDiscount, 2) }}
{{ $vat->exemptTotal }}
{{ number_format($vat->exemptAmtTotal, 2) }}
{{ $vat->receiptSummary }}
{{ $vat->receipts }}
{{ number_format($vat->totalReceipts, 2) }}
(Includes VAT)
{{ $vat->lessDiscount }}
{{ number_format($vat->lessReceiptDisc, 2) }}
{{ $vat->sub }}
{{ number_format($vat->subTotal2, 2) }}
{{ $vat->lessVAT }}
{{ number_format($vat->lessVATRecover, 2) }}
{{ $vat->actual }}
{{ number_format($vat->actualReceipts, 2) }}
{{ $vat->adjustSummary }}
{{ $vat->adjustments }}
{{ number_format($vat->adjustSum, 2) }}
(Excludes VAT)
{{ $vat->VATAdjustments }}
{{ number_format($vat->VATAdjust, 2) }}
{{ $vat->totAdjust }}
{{ number_format($vat->totalAdjustments, 2) }}
{{ $vat->interestSummary }}
{{ $vat->interest }}
{{ number_format($vat->interestCharged, 2) }}
(No VAT Charged on Interest)
{{ $vat->accounting }}
{{ number_format($vat->accountingFee, 2) }}
(Excludes VAT)
{{ $vat->VATAccounting }}
{{ number_format($vat->VATAccountingFee, 2) }}
{{ $vat->totCharges }}
{{ number_format($vat->totalCharges, 2) }}
{{ $vat->netDebtors }}
{{ number_format($vat->netDebtorsChange, 2) }}